
What is The Longest German Word?

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The Longest German Word: German Language Courses Reveal its Mystery

“Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän.” No, I did not fall asleep on my keyboard, nor did a pet walk across my laptop.

Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän is actually the longest German word, and it is a giant with forty-two characters. When jokes are made about the German language, the punch line usually revolves around the multiple syllables and lengths of some German words.

Legendary writer Mark Twain once said, “Some German words are so long that they have perspective.” Yet despite all the jokes and conceptions about its lengthy wordiness, German is the most commonly spoken language throughout Europe and one of the world’s top ten most spoken languages. There are many reasons why German is so popular today, and for those who are thinking about learning a foreign language, taking German language courses will undoubtedly provide rewards.

Reasons to Take German Language Courses

There are many reasons why people learn a second language. Some do it for financial gain, as the ability to speak another language can earn a higher salary or even help get a promotion. Others want to challenge themselves personally and broaden their horizons with an interesting hobby. Regardless of the reason, German language courses provide insight into this unique language.

In addition to having the fourth most robust economy in the world, Germany is also the third export country. With the European economy relying on the strength of Germany, taking German language courses is extremely beneficial to all those looking for a second language ability to further their career. Even with a busy schedule, you will find Pimsleur’s method both convenient and enjoyable. The 30-minute-per-day approach allows for flexibility in scheduling, which is especially convenient for today’s busy professional.

Will you soon be able to rattle off the longest German word with a near-native accent?

Hobbyists looking to challenge themselves can benefit from German language courses as well. Compound words exist in many languages. German, however, form words by merging the parts and adding prefixes and suffixes. The construction of German lends itself well to compounding parts to make single words that stretch across a page.

This concept is fascinating to language enthusiasts, making learning German a challenge. German language courses will help beginners reach advanced stages and try to understand German words such as “unabhaengigkeitserklaerungen.” The word means “independence declarations” and was a source of Mr. Twain’s frustrations with the language, as he wrote in A Tramp Abroad.

Whether the word is donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän, the longest German word, which by the way translates to “Danube steamship company captain,” or if it’s the old and now defunct champion rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, which means “beef labeling supervision duties delegation law,” the German language is mysterious and unique. Whether trying to take your career to new heights or looking for a personal activity, taking a German language course will be intriguing.

1 Comment for "What is The Longest German Word?"

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